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Dentures & Partial Dentures in Glendale, NY

Dentures & Partial Dentures in Glendale, NY

Dentures and partial dentures have become increasingly appealing options for those seeking dental replacements. Contrary to outdated beliefs, modern dentures offer improved comfort, functionality, and a remarkably natural appearance. In today's dental landscape, dentures are on par with other replacement options, providing a convenient and effective solution for missing teeth. If you're considering dentures, it's important to understand the distinctions between full dentures and partial dentures.

Full Dentures: Conventional vs. Immediate

Full dentures, also known as complete, traditional, or full dentures, are the go-to choice when a patient is missing all of their teeth, whether in the upper or lower jaw. They are custom-made to fit your mouth precisely, restoring not just the teeth but also the underlying gums and bone structure. With advancements in materials and techniques, full dentures now offer superior comfort and a lifelike aesthetic, making them a reliable choice for comprehensive tooth replacement. There are two main styles of complete dentures: conventional and immediate dentures.

Conventional dentures are typically recommended within the first eight to 12 weeks after the final teeth have been removed. This type allows for the gums to heal before the dentures are fitted. While this approach is less invasive and promotes better healing, it does require some waiting time without teeth.

On the other hand, immediate dentures are designed to be used right away without the need to wait for the gums to heal. This option is often preferred because most people prefer not to be without teeth for any period of time. However, immediate dentures may need adjustments as the gums and mouth shape change during the healing process. While this adjustment process can be seen as a bit of a hassle, immediate dentures are generally considered a temporary solution. They serve the purpose of providing immediate teeth replacement while the patient's gums heal and adapt to the dentures.

Both types of full dentures offer significant benefits, including improved chewing ability, speech clarity, and aesthetic restoration. It's important for patients to work closely with our dentist to determine the best type of denture based on their individual needs and preferences.

Partial Dentures: Removable vs. Fixed Options

Partial dentures are a great solution for patients who have some remaining natural teeth. These partials can either be removable or fixed. Removable partial dentures stay in position using a metal framework with clasps, providing stability and function.

On the other hand, fixed partial dentures, also known as dental bridges, are a more permanent option. They are secured by placing crowns over healthy adjacent teeth, which act as anchors for the artificial tooth or teeth to fill the gaps. Fixed partial dentures are preferred because they not only restore the missing teeth but also help maintain the shape and integrity of the dental structure.

When considering dentures and partial dentures, both options are effective for replacing missing teeth. However, if you have some natural teeth remaining, partial dentures at Gen Z Dentistry may be the better choice. They contribute to the preservation of your remaining teeth and jawbone health.

It's important to note that wearing dentures or partial dentures may feel strange initially, as they occupy space in your mouth that was previously empty. However, with time and regular wear, they become more comfortable. These replacements significantly improve your ability to chew and speak, although this adjustment period might take some getting used to. Once you've adapted to them, they will feel like a natural part of your mouth.

Step-by-Step Process of Getting Dentures at Gen Z Dentistry

Consultation and Examination: The process of getting dentures starts with a consultation with our dentist. During this initial appointment, we will carefully examine your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. This examination may include X-rays and impressions of your teeth and jaws to create a detailed treatment plan.

Treatment Plan and Preparation: Following the examination, we will discuss the various types of dentures available and recommend the most suitable option for your needs. If extractions are necessary, your dentist will plan the removal of any remaining teeth that cannot be saved, especially for full dentures. For partial dentures, adjacent healthy teeth may need to be prepared to support the partial denture framework.

Impressions and Measurements: After the treatment plan is established, impressions of your mouth will be taken. These impressions are crucial for creating accurate molds of your gums and remaining teeth (if any). Additionally, measurements of the jaw relationship, bite, and facial structure will be recorded to ensure the dentures fit comfortably and function properly.

Trial Dentures (Wax Try-In): Next, a wax try-in is conducted before the final dentures are made. This involves creating a wax model of the dentures based on the impressions and measurements. During this step, you will try on the wax dentures to assess the fit, appearance, and bite. Any necessary adjustments to the shape and positioning of the dentures are made at this stage.

Final Denture Fabrication: Once you and your dentist are satisfied with the wax try-in, the final dentures are fabricated in a dental lab. High-quality materials are used to ensure durability and a natural appearance that mimics real teeth and gums.

Fitting and Adjustment: When the final dentures are ready, you will have a fitting appointment with your dentist. This appointment is crucial for ensuring that the dentures fit properly and comfortably. Your dentist will make any necessary adjustments to improve the fit and functionality of the dentures. Adjustments may include refining the bite, adjusting the shape of the dentures, or ensuring proper fit for partial dentures' clasps.

Post-Insertion Care and Instructions: After the fitting, your dentist will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your new dentures. Proper cleaning techniques, handling, and storage instructions will be given to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your dentures. Following these instructions is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene.

Follow-Up Appointments: After receiving your dentures, you will have follow-up appointments with your dentist. These appointments are scheduled to check the fit and function of your dentures. We will also address any concerns you may have about your dentures and make any necessary adjustments.

At Gen Z Dentistry in Glendale, NY, we believe that everyone deserves a smile they can be proud of. If you're considering dentures or partial dentures, schedule a consultation with our friendly team at Gen Z Dentistry. Together, we can create a personalized treatment plan to restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

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Mon to Thur: 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM

Fri: 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM

Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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